ADRION on-line application system (eMS) is NOW online

8th February 2016

The ADRION on-line Application System (eMS) for the submission of project proposals is now open!

Before signing in the system, the Lead Applicants are warmly recommended to carefully read  the ADRION EMS Technical Guidance!

The ADRION eMS is NOT a working platform and only the Lead Applicant is allowed to use it.

In order to jointly draft a proposal, Lead Applicant and project partners are encouraged to use the application form off-line. Please note that the application form off-line has been modified by additional space characters has been added in some boxes.





National Info Day in SERBIA

On 9 February 2016, a National Info day on the 1. call for proposals will be held in Belgrade from 10:00 to 13:45. This event will take place at the premises of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hall on the VIII floor.

The registration for this event is CLOSED.

Registration for Info Day Seminar is NOW OPEN!

To promote the first call for proposals, the ADRION Joint Secretariat organises the first INFO DAY for applicants:

The registration will be open till 11 February 2016. Please note that places are limited to 220 seats.