Seminar for Applicant, Bologna 3 march 2016: follow-up

Seminar for Applicant, Bologna 3 march 2016: follow-up

The Seminar for Applicants of the 1st ADRION call for proposals took place on 3 March 2016 in Bologna (Italy).

180 participants attended the meeting and 150 followed the event in streaming.

The presentation is available here:


Seminar for Applicants

The Seminar for Applicants of the 1st ADRION call for proposals took place in Bologna on 3 March 2016. 180 participants attended the event and 150 followed it in live streaming.

The presentation is available here:

National Info Day in Greece

On 07 March 2016, a National Info Day on the 1st call for proposals will be held in Athens. For more information