ADRION Capitalisation kicks-off

The ADRION Capitalisation Plan was approved by the Monitoring Committee on 10th December 2019 with a strong emphasis on the importance of the whole process: a cross-cutting approach, encompassing a broad range of measures, from analysis to collection, up to dissemination and promotion of project results. According to this, the ovewrall ADRION Capitalisation strategy will include a set of activities addressing three main inputs:

  1. Collection of project results
  2. Analysis of the results, building the Programme capital
  3. Dissemination and promotion

The activities linked to results’ collection include the development of a digital library aimed at giving visibility to projects achievements in a structured way. The digital library will be a collector of all project’s outputs/deliverables and it will be designed as a repository of the Programme.  Dissemination and promotion are strictly linked to communication and respond to the need of translating project results into information well reachable by the relevant stakeholders. This will be fostered through events and publications covering project stories.

On the other hand, to start building the capital of the Programme and deepen the analysis of projects results, the Programme has chosen to group funded projects into thematic clusters to empower funded projects to strengthen the quality and sustainability of deliverables and to enhance their dissemination to relevant stakeholders.  To this end, around hundred project representatives gathered last 11th December in Rome for the 1st ADRION Capitalisation event. According to our participants, the event proved successful and full of networking opportunities. The event was an opportunity to gather representatives of the projects funded under the 1st Call and to start building synergies among them. The Programme proposed the implementation of 5 ADRION thematic Clusters with the scope to facilitate exchanges by linking actors with complementary thematic specialisation and ease the re-use of results.

The following ADRION Thematic Clusters are set up:

  • Blue Growth and related Smart Growth
  • Coastal and Marine Environment management
  • Towards sustainability in cultural and natural tourism destinations
  • Integrated multimodal sustainable water and land transport
  • Urban and interurban low carbon intermodal mobility for passengers

Certainly, the Capitalisation process will be also useful to shed light on potentials and future territorial needs in the Programme area.