Priority Axis 1: Innovative and Smart Region
Specific Objective 1.1
Supporting the development of a regional Innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian region
One of the main challenges of the Adriatic Ionian area is to keep up with global competition. If on one side the region includes some regions leader in R&D and some highly skilled industrial sectors (e.g.: agriculture, agribusiness, chemicals, etc.), their potential is weakened by limited cooperation among companies, research centres and public agencies and by an overall lack of focus on specific issues that can strengthen the area competitiveness, like blue growth.
ADRION will contribute to:
- Enhance common understanding among ADRION Partner States on the potential fields of transnational innovation actions and fostering
diffusion and uptake of innovation - Enhance competencies or skills of stakeholders and involved parties
- Improve the framework conditions (awareness and foresight, legal, economic aspects, innovation governance, organisational issues, policy solutions, technology impact assessments)
- Mobilise stakeholders in the fields of research, innovation and utilisation as a means of increasing knowledge transfer between business, users, academia and administration actors (quadruple helix approach)
- Identify emerging market opportunities, taking into account the topics of EUSAIR and the smart specialisation strategies of the regions
- Better coordinate innovation policies and strategies, for example in the context of Regional Innovation Strategies
Main Result Indicator
Increase of the level of capacity of key innovation actors to be effectively involved in transnational actions for the development of a regional innovation system.