Priority Axis 4: Supporting the governance of the EUSAIR
Specific Objective 4.1
Facilitate the coordination and implementation of the EUSAIR by enhancing the institutional capacity of public administrations and key stakeholders and by assisting the progress of implementation of joint priorities
The EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian region – EUSAIR – recognises that economic growth and prosperity can be reached by improving attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity of the involved territories. Taking into account the expected better integration of Western Balkans countries with the EU, the Adriatic and Ionian region can unlock its potentials.
All eight Partner States of the programme made a further step in implementing the EUSAIR when they decided to dedicate a specific priority axis to support its implementation. A specific priority axis contributes in making the macro region governance structure operational as well as facilitating coordination between different programmes and funds.
To this end, a strategic project is set up coordinated by the Slovenian Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy in close cooperation with project partners of all Partner States.
Main Result Indicator
Improve the status of management capacities of EUSAIR governance structures to effectively implement the EUSAIR and its Action plan, achieving their objectives and targets.