Still Time to Apply for the EU Cartoon Contest

The Representation of the European Commission in Italy, together with Italian magazine Internazionale and Voxeurop, has launched, also this year, the seventh edition of the “EU Cartoon Contest” to award the best political cartoon published in the Italian press.

The  contest aims at promoting awareness about European themes among cartoonists as well as fostering the interest of Italian and European citizens for European political life.

Participants to the contest must be citizens or residents in one of the 28 EU Member States or in a country candidate for the EU membership, while the cartoons presented must have  been  published in the Italian language by the Italian press (also as a translation), or on a professional website or blog linked to cartoonists’ associations, covering exclusively cartoons.

The contest will be open for entries until 4 July 2017.

The contest rules can be DOWNLOADED HERE.

2nd Forum of EUSAIR is rapidly approaching

The 2nd Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) will take place in Ioannina (Greece) on 11-12 May 2017.

This year, the attention is drawn to the Blue growth and its interrelations with other EUSAIR pillars:

  • Environmental quality
  • Sustainable tourism
  • Connecting the Region

The speakers of the conference will be, among others, foreign ministers, national authorities, responsible for managing EU funds as well as representatives from the EU. The conference will offer plenty of opportunities to meet and discuss with people, coming from public administrations, business sector, academia and civil society at large.

Registration will be open till 3 May 2017.

Treaties of Rome at 60

On 25 March 1957, the representatives of six states Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherland and, at that time, West Germany, signed two treaties in Rome, establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM).

Treaties of Rome represent the cornerstone of the modern Europe. On one hand, a common market has been created, symbolised by four freedoms: free movement of people, goods, capital and services. On the other, joint research in the field of atomic energy for peaceful use began. As a result, the citizens of the European Union enjoy one of the highest living standards and, most outstandingly, live in a peaceful area.

The European integration was already stated in the preamble of the Treaty establishing the EEC, in which the signatory states were “determined to establish the foundations of an ever closer union among the European people”. The Interreg ADRION programme is honoured to be part of this European vision and to contribute, together with its Partner States, to the future of Europe.

European Commission’s Press release: Treaties of Rome at 60

White paper on the Future of Europe

The history of EU