It is not always an easy job to navigate the sea of opportunity regarding EU fundings. Most of the time people need to look up several websites and keep monitoring too many funding schemes.

EuroAccess Macro-Regions, financed by DG REGIO and the City of Vienna, is an online centralised search tool and information point on EU funding in the Macro-regions, aimed to support interested stakeholders to find the right funding programme for their project idea.

On the website you can search for open calls for proposals or compare more than 350 different funding programmes.
The tool has a number of filters to facilitate the identification of the most suitable EU programme/call for your organisation and project idea, it is free and easy accessible. Registered users can save interesting information in their profile and opt in for a newsletter with open calls based on personal interest.


To know more: Flyer_EuroAccess_Macro-Regions_final

To access the website:


Road Trip Project: take the chance to hit the road and tell what Europe looks to you

Finding out the spirit of the continent through the eyes of the young generation

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Applications are open for the second edition of the Road Trip Project 2019. Two teams of travellers will explore 2 new routes across the continent and beyond in a mini-van.  The teams will travel from end of August until end of September with the mission of unveiling the true colours of Europe.

Divided into 2 teams of 4, one team will go from Sweden to the Canary Islands, while the other will go from Ireland to Cyprus. Each team will have a video maker, a copywriter, a photographer and a presenter. They will document all of their travels and share highlights on the project website and social media.

Together we will discover what’s up in Europe. To know more and spread the voice follow this link

Boosting Innovation in Europe

To take up the challenge of economic modernisation, Europe needs to empower its regions and help them create value. This means fostering innovation, digitisation and decarbonisation as well as developing people’s skills. Today, the European Commission is proposing a new set of actions to help Europe’s regions in investing in their niche areas of competitive strength to generate innovation, resilience and growth.

The Commission intends to carry out two pilot projects:

  • Tailored support for the specific challenges of regions facing industrial transition: on their request, certain regions can work in partnership with teams of Commission experts to boost their innovation capacity, remove investment barriers, equip citizens with the right skills and prepare for industrial and societal change, on the basis of their smart specialisation strategies and
  • Interregional innovation partnerships supported by the EU funds: the aim is to identify and scale up ‘bankable’ interregional projects that can create European value chains in priority sectors such as big data, bioeconomy, resource efficiency, connected mobility or advanced manufacturing.

In addition, the Commission will step up its efforts to help Member States in addressing remaining bottlenecks to growth and establish business-friendly environments.

For more information, visit the European Commission website:

Go to the Commission’s website