A workshop for ADRION beneficiaries to enhance communication and visibility within projects

The Adrion Programme organises Keys to Effective Communication, a workshop for communications officers to ADRION funded projects with the aim of helping projects use communication to contribute to the project objectives and expected results, integrate communication into the project life cycle and informing target audiences in a clear and effective way.

The workshop will take place on 23rd January 2019 at Regione Emilia Romagna Premises. The event is open by invitation only.

Interreg ADRION projects play an important role in sharing ideas and new solutions in several sectors across the eight ADRION Partner States. In order to be successful, projects are required to communicate their activities and results to a wide range of audiences via different media as well as during public events. Having a clear communication strategy and well-developed communication toolkits are key if you want a project to stand out among many others.

At the event, participants will learn how to develop clear project messages, headline and proof points that they can use to tell their project story to different audiences as well as how to make the most of the main communication tools.

If you are responsible for the communication activities within an ADRION funded project, come on board!

For more information contact us at