This cluster addresses the multifaceted aspects characterising tourism, such as: sustainable water management in coastal areas, common branding, revitalization of non tourist area of minor relevance and promotion of local agri-food sectors, digitalization of cultural heritage, innovative tourism management approaches.


Kostas Tzamaloukas, Region of Western Greece (Greece)

The main aim of the Thematic Cluster is to promote synergies among the involved projects and increase the transferability of their project results beyond the partnership. In details:

  • Creation of projects’ added value by increasing synergies among them,
  • Further development of thematic analysis through cross-fertilization among projects, as well as combination of results/outputs produced,
  • Identification of new areas/fields of intervention for the future programming period,
  • Increase the projects’ visibility, promoting them in a more strategic way,
  • Increase of transferability of project results beyond the single project partnership.

Macroregional Event towards sustainability in cultural and natural tourism destinations

26 November 2020