ADRION Thematic Sub-cluster on Risk Prevention and Disaster Resilience
The Thematic Cluster focuses on risk prevention and disaster resilience. All involved projects will jointly work on common key tools (e.g. database, vulnerability analysis tools, impacts catalogues, etc.) with the aim to improve the risk prevention and increase disaster resilience in the Adriatic Ionian area. The Thematic Cluster will further develop project proposals based on the analysis of the bottlenecks addressing the entire disaster management cycle and contributing to the implementation of the EUSAIR strategy towards a more resilient Europe.
The sub-cluster includes the following projects:
Joint Outputs
3rd THEMATIC CLUSTER MEETING, 30th September – Rome, Italy
The third meeting of the ADRION Thematic Sub-cluster 2.2 on Risk Prevention and Disaster Resilience was organized on the 30th of September by the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), the lead partner of the MUHA project. During the event, the outcomes and the developed tools of the cluster’s projects MUHA, ADRIASEISMIC and TRANSCPEARLYWARNING were presented by the projects’ delegates. In addition, an overview of the EU IPA Floods and Fires Program was shared by the Program Manager, Dr. Barbera.
The importance of capitalization and the experience of the ADRION Programme, and the new challenges and opportunities of the IPA ADRION program 2021-2027 were presented by the Joint Secretariat.
After the presentations, the partners participated in a brainstorming session where they had the opportunity to discuss and collaborate on the new project ideas starting from the new IPA ADRION Programme. The participants engaged in the different thematic groups such as water management, water crisis, earthquakes, wildfires, and communication for resilience/mitigation. The main goals were to share knowledge and experiences to be included in future transnational and cross-sectoral projects.
The meeting was the first opportunity for a physical meeting of the cluster and the involvement of its member projects in an effort of capitalization of their outcomes and produced tools.

Cluster’s meetings and other events
The ADRION project TransCPEarlyWarning organized the second Thematic Cluster meeting on the 15th of December. The meeting was held by the participation of the project representatives of MUHA, ADRISEISMIC and TransCPEarlyWarning. The participants were informed about the Thematic Cluster approach of the ADRION Programme, as well as the current outcomes of Cluster 2.2. The meeting was an opportunity to brainstorm ideas for the next programming period.

On Tuesday 20th July MUHA partner met online with its sub-cluster partners TRANSCPEARLYWARNING and ADRISEIEMIC for the first meeting of the Thematic Cluster Risk prevention and disaster resilience. The purpose of the meeting was to develop a better understanding of the individual project’s expected outcomes and identify an overall SWOT analysis for the cluster.

ADRION projects MUHA, ADRISEISMIC and TRANSCPEARLYWARNING were presented during the ADRION Annual and Capitalization Event on the 7th of December, 2021. Jessica Amadio, the representative of the Sub-cluster, introduced the SWOT analysis of the three projects, ideas on how to address multi-hazard resilience and contributions of the projects during the event.
The results from the SWOT analysis pointed out some bottlenecks in risk prevention and disaster resilience, such as lack of shared databases and high heterogeneity among countries, and some important opportunities such as transboundary cooperation, harmonization of procedures, and communication.
Following the SWOT analysis, the project ideas in the framework of the next programming period, aimed at contributing to the implementation of the EU Green deal objectives and the EUSAIR strategy were presented. Ideas are fed by some common themes such as cooperation, communication, data collection and data sharing.