ADRION Thematic Sub-cluster on Biodiversity Preservation and Protection

This Thematic Cluster focuses on the conservation of nature and ecosystems, as well as on agro-ecological transition.



The sub-cluster includes the following projects:

Webinar: Shaping the sustainable future of the Adriatic-Ionian area. Key results and impacts of the Dinalpconnect and Ecovinegoals projects in the Adrion area

19 MAY 2022, at 10-12am (CET)

Key discussion points:

  • Spatial model for ecological connectivity
  • Practices and policies to promote transboundary management for improved ecological connectivity
  • Local action plans and transnational strategies for the management of the viticultural landscapes
  • Participative backcasting process for the elaboration of local action plans
  • Agroecological performance and the identification of best practices for vineyards.

ECOVINEGOALS + DINALPCONNECT Cluster Meeting 06.09.2021

The first online meeting took place on the 6th September 2021 between DINALPCONNECT and ECOVINEGOALS representatives. VeGAL attended the meeting as ECOVINEGOALS Lead Partner, together with the Agricultural Insititute of Slovenia, Lead Partner of DINALPCONNECT, and CENER21, responsible for the WP Communication of the aforementioned project.

The meeting was an occasion to discuss the preparation of the joint brochure and the webinar in the framework of the thematic sub-cluster 2.1 activity. The webinar, which will take place in March 2022, will be online, accessible also to the public. The main topic will be the preservation and protection of biodiversity in the ADRION Programme Area. In particular, it will focus on the agroecological transition of viticultural systems, its key findings, recommendations from the pilot initiatives and the promotion of the AVINE Network. Moreover, project results will be presented with pictures and infographics.