REInSER Call for Abstracts
Economic and social integration of asylum seekers and refugees through social entrepreneurship
The Departments of Political and Social Sciences and Management of the University of Bologna, that is one of the partners of the Interreg ADRION’s Project REInSER, calls for abstracts for the International Conference dedicated to sharing best practices for the integration of refugees and asylum seekers through social entrepreneurship. The International Conference will be held at the University of Bologna on March 10th in 2022.
The deadline to submit the proposal is 16th January 2022. Abstracts should be max. 500 words, and clearly indicate the author(s), the affiliation as well as the methods and main arguments.
Who can apply?
Contributions are accepted from senior and junior scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and everyone who works or has an interest on the Conference theme.
The abstract shall cover a large spectrum of topics related to social inclusion, here below a non-exhaustive list of potential topics:
• Opportunities and challenges of integrating asylum seekers and refugees through Social Entrepreneurship;
• Opportunities and issues for the transferability of initiatives of Social Entrepreneurship;
• Enhancement of refugees’ skills and participation in decision making: diversity as an added value in social entrepreneurship? Opportunities and challenges;
• Methodological challenges for the analysis of initiatives of economic integration of asylum seekers and refugees through Social Entrepreneurship;
• Financial tools for Social Entrepreneurship.
• Social innovation for the inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers;
• Institutional, cultural, and economic barriers and drivers for social entrepreneurship.
For more information click here
About the Project REInSER
REInSer improves policies for the inclusion of refugees into society and labour market through innovative practices.
ReInSER supports the integration of refugees and asylum seekers through social entrepreneurship by the cooperation of 8 project partners from Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Croatia.
The project looks at developing an Innovative Transnational Network which aims to connect all project partners, refugees, social entrepreneurs, academics, local regional and national authorities and the representation of different NGOs. ReInSER will also set up a Strategy and Action Plan testing new ways of collaboration and coordination measures in this field.