INFO DAYS for Applicants

Info Days on the 1st call for proposals of the ADRION Programme will take place on 12 February and on 3 March 2016 in Bologna (Italy).

Registration to the first Info Day will be possible as from 3 February 2016.

The events will also be available in streaming.

Other events will be organized at national level by the National Contact Points: dates and locations will be provided on this web site when available.



The scope of the 2-day event was to present the ADRION programme, to contribute to the discussion on the implementation of the EUSAIR and to highlight the relevance of the Adriatic-Ionian area. 300 participants attended the event and more than 200 viewers watched it in video streaming.

PRESS RELEASE Meet the challenges to build a better future

Participants list of the Launch event

Participants lists of parallel sessions

Presentations from the main event

Pitch presentations

SO 1.1 – Innovation system

SO 2.1 Natural and cultural assets

SO 2.2 Environment and Ecosystem services

Let’s celebrate Interreg ADRION

Let’s celebrate the launch of the Interreg ADRION Programme – Meet the challenge to build a better future in the  Adriatic and Ionian area           

 9th and 10th of December 2015

Regione Emilia-Romagna – Bologna – Italy


Main practicalities:

  • Main venue: Room 20 Maggio, Viale della Fiera 8, Bologna – Italy
  • Language: English
  • On-line registration form: on-line
  • Watch-out: Places are limited to 220. For security reasons, on-line registration to the event is compulsory by 6th of December. Only registered people will be allowed to enter to the event premises.
  • The plenary session will be broadcast live.